Electronic Signature and aPUAP Platform

Don't be afraid! We will assist you.

What is the ePUAP platform?
The ePUAP platform offers a number of online services provided by Polish public administration (e.g. signing documents needed to register the company and conducting business activity in Poland).

How to authenticate my electronic signature?

You can authenticate your electronic signature on the ePUAP platform by your bank or personally.

Do I have to submit the documents personally?

To create a trusted profile set up an account on the ePUAP platform https://epuap.gov.pl/wps/portal/rejestracja-konta and file your application to have your trusted profile authenticated. You will have 14 days to authenticate your personal data in person or through your bank account if you have one. 

How long is the electronic signature valid?
Three years. Afterwards, you can extend its validity by another three years.

How much does it cost?Authentication of the electronic signature on the ePUAP platform is free of charge.

What is the waiting time?Electronic signature is authenticated during your visit at the public office or immediately by you bank account if you have one. 

What documents do I need to submit?

Please note! The first names and surnames provided in the application should follow the rules of Polish spelling. For example, if you file an application without Polish diacritics in your first name or surname, it will be impossible to verify the data provided with those featuring in the PESEL register.

What is PESEL number?

If you are a foreigner living in Poland, you can register your residence – in such a situation, you will automatically obtain a PESEL Number [Polish acronym for „Universal Electronic System for Registration of the Population”]. If you cannot register your residence, and any agency requires a PESEL Number from you – submit an application in person or by proxy.  

Eligibility for obtaining a PESEL number

How much you will pay?

This service is free of charge

What you have to prepare?